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Press Coverage: Space Marines Announcement

Our Games Workshop partnership was big news, representing the second AAA free roam VR game in the world, with the first being Far Cry VR in partnership with Ubisoft, which Zero Latency launched back in 2021. Both games will be exclusively available at Zero Latency venues across the global via the world's first truly wireless free roam VR system.

News of the Zero Latency and Games Workshop partnership achieved widespread coverage in key media, with over 100 pieces of editorial content and an audience of approximately 441 million views globally.

Check out some of the articles below:

Screen Rant - What Warhammer's Free Roam Multiplayer VR Experience Could Look Like

Flipboard - Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine’ is Getting a Location-based VR Game Next Year

Mixed News - Warhammer 40K Space Marine Hits Zero Latency’s VR arcades

TrendHunter - Games Workshop's Warhammer 40K is Getting a VR Experience from Zero Latency

Bell of Lost Souls - Experience Warhammer 40K Like Never Before In Free-Roam Virtual Reality

Road to VR - Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine’ is Getting a Location-based VR Game Next Year

Venture Beat - Zero Latency announces its Warhammer 40K VR experience

Rossa Primavera International - Warhammer 40,000 will enter virtual reality

AR/VR Magazine - Zero Latency and Games Workshop Announce Warhammer: 40,000 Space Marine Immersive Adventure

Game Bastion - Zero Latency announces its Warhammer 40K VR experience

Tech Tribune - Zero Latency annonce son expérience Warhammer 40K VR